Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Temperature Quilt - Month 2

As I was downloading the temperatures for March this morning, I realized I never shared my February block for my temperature quilt.

Temperature Quilt Blocks by Thistle Thicket Studio.
In the photo, the left block is January and the right block is February. I did correct the first day of January where I accidentally used the wrong fabric for the low. I ended up just ripping out that day and was able to insert the high and low in without remaking the whole section. Yay!!! Nobody but me would have known it was wrong but it would have bugged me forever if I didn't fix it.

I am amused that we entered and exited February with the same high and low temps. And see that one orange triangle? That is the day we broke the high temperature record with a 79 degree official reading (it actually hit 80 at our farm). On February 2!

I sat up until 2 a.m. the other night working on an inspiration I had for the layout of this quilt. I'm still refining the design but excited with how it's working out. 

And lastly, I was excited to see that the Modern Quilt Guild is going to have a temperature quilt exhibit at QuiltCon 2022! That gives me incentive to keep working on this project and get it finished before entries are due in July 2021.

Stay safe and healthy out there!



  1. Love these blocks! I have not heard of a temperature quilt, I will have to check it out now!

  2. I just love your temperature quilt. It has inspired me to try to do one for my county of Gloucestershire in the UK for 2020 as I have found some data that I can use. Unfortunately I have been trying - and failing to get hold of the flying geese pattern that I think you used. Was it by Kelly called Goosed up by Jeliquilts? I was wondering if you could help me locate a copy of the pattern to purchase. Do hope you don’t mind me asking.

    1. Yes, that is the pattern. Unfortunately, the last time I looked, she was no longer selling her patterns.


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