Monday, December 25, 2017

Wishing Y'all A Shiny & Brite (& Gaudy) Merry Christmas!

I come from a family of collectors. If one thing is good, then 50 of them must be even better, right?! I inherited my collecting genes from my mom. She collects lots of things, one of them being head vases. When you come from a family of collectors, there's always lots to look for when you go antiquing. So, about a year ago, I ran across a few head vases in a shop. I sent photos to my mom and she picked out which ones she wanted. I don't claim to know anything about head vases, but I sure learned a few things from that little shopping spree. Like, did you know that reproduction head vases from China have made their way to the U.S.? Yea, I didn't either. So, of course, a couple of the vases I bought mom that day ended up being repros. Ugh, nothing worse. 

Vintage Christmas Decoration Head Vase Arrangement by Thistle Thicket Studio.
So, to turn a 'pig's ear into a silk purse' (or so the saying goes), I took one of those reproduction head vases without mom knowing (at least I think she didn't miss it) and decided to dress her up for the holidays and give it back to mom for Christmas. Talk about regifting!

This particular gal has a burgundy outfit so I looked for one vintage ornament that would blend with the burgundy, then chose other vintage glass ornaments with hints of the same red color. Those complimentary ornaments had lots of gold and silver, so I selected a few additional ornaments in those colors to round out my materials to work with. I placed an icicle ornament and a couple of glass bead stems to create height first, then started layering in the other larger ornaments to fill the vase space. I topped it off with the bird, which I think really sets the whole arrangement off. And lastly, I filled in the holes with small Shiny Brite balls. I think she turned out rather well - the perfect amount of gaudiness to offset the ugliness of the reproduction head! Ha, Ha!

Wishing y'all a Shiny and Brite (and gaudy) Christmas filled with wonder and love!


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