Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Noel Word Scramble

A farmer can get a little bored during the winter months on the farm, especially when the temps dip down to -23 and he's cooped up in the house for days. That boredom can lead to some shenanigans once in awhile. Such was the case for the hubby during the past couple of weeks.
Thistle Thicket Studio, barnweed sign, wagon wheel letter, Noel sign, rustic Christmas decor

My Noel sign made from barn wood and an old wagon wheel that leans against the garage during the holiday season seemed to receive a lot of his attention this year. As I was returning home one evening during the cold snap, I caught a glimpse of this in my car headlights. This simple photo with the text "Nice" was sent to the Hubby in acknowledgement.

Of course, I had to return the challenge and rearranged the letters the next day to spell "Lone". And soon after, the letters magically were rearranged to read "Leno".

After a few more arrangements, the letters returned to their festive "Noel" greeting, just in time to welcome family home for the holidays.




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