Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Couched Burlap Table Runners

I just returned home from a couple of weeks of visiting my daughter and her family. It's always great to be able to kiss and hug and spoil my grandsons for a few days, and spend time with my daughter and her husband. While there, I realized that I never shared photos of the yarn couched burlap table runners that I made and gave for Christmas gifts. Pictured is the one that I gave her and she has it displayed on her rustic dining room table.

Couched Burlap Table Runner by Thistle Thicket Studio. www.thistlethicketstudio.com
I found the table runners at Michaels last fall on sale and I loved the ruffles on the ends. Since I had just seen a video on Facebook of someone doing yarn couching on burlap table runners using their Statler longarm machine, I knew I had to give it a try. I used Bernat blanket yarn that I also purchased at Michaels. 

Couched Burlap Table Runner by Thistle Thicket Studio. www.thistlethicketstudio.com
I made table runners in three different colors of yarn but used the same quilting pattern called Paisley Feathers by Anne Bright on all three. I chose this quilting design because is sews continuously from edge to edge and it does not stitch over itself. 

Couched Burlap Table Runner by Thistle Thicket Studio. www.thistlethicketstudio.com
I pinned the table runner directly on my leaders and couched the yarn on top of the table runner. I think if I do more I will try basting the burlap table runner to a tear away stabilizer as the burlap runner waffled a little with the couching and doesn't lay completely flat after stitched.

I'd love to hear from others who have done yarn couching and any tips you may have to share!




  1. I love this, it is beautiful! I've never tried it before but think it would be fun.


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