Sunday, July 5, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage Sew Along - Week 10

Can you believe it is already Week 10 of the Farm Girl Vintage Sew Along? Where did May and June go?! Even though we are 10 weeks in, its still not too late to join Lori Holt's (Bee In My Bonnet) sew along. You can get all the details here.

There are lots of quilters blogging about this sew along, but there are 45 that have been selected to be a featured blogger for each of the 45 blocks in this project. I'll be the featured blogger in September for the Water Turn Block. You can see the list of bloggers and their links at the Fat Quarter Shop here.

Here are this week's blocks.....the Furrows Block:
Farm Girl Vintage Furrows Block by Thistle Thicket Studio

....and the Gingham Block:
Farm Girl Vintage Gingham Block by Thistle Thicket Studio

Making these blocks was how I enjoyed my 4th of July afternoon! Ah, the freedom to sew (& paint your toes red, white & blue too)! I hope you enjoyed a little sewing sometime during this holiday weekend too!



  1. The gingham block seems so appropriate for the 4th - and your toenails look great!

  2. Your blocks and your nail paint are all so neat and precise! I do like the flying geese made up in the 1930's fabrics and the dotty background works really well.

  3. love the toenails! And the red and white gingham as well.


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