Monday, September 21, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage - Week 20 & 21

My turn on the Farm Girl Vintage Sew Along blog hop is inching closer - it's this Friday!!! And you'll want to be sure to stop back by to visit then because there will be an awesome giveaway sponsored by the Fat Quarter Shop!!! If you don't know, the Fat Quarter Shop published Lori Holt's Farm Girl Vintage book and they carry Lori's other books and patterns, plus her notions and fabrics.

With my turn on the FGV blog hop this week, it signals that the end is near for this sew along - there's only two more weeks left. It really has been so fun. Lori is planning another sew along starting in January, can't wait to see what it is. I bought fabric last year for her 'Have Yourself A Quilty Little Christmas' sew along on Instagram, but didn't get to it before the holidays. That is on my list to make after I get my Farm Girl Vintage quilt finished. Oh, and a 'Welcome to the Farm' quilt to hang on our barn on special occasions using the barn, tractor, crops and other blocks from the book. And a sunflower table runner. And...... Well, you get the idea!

I was busy working on my extra project for my turn on the Farm Girl Vintage blog hop and got a little behind on my other blocks. So with these blocks done now, I'm all caught up again. And here they are:

The Summer Star block.

And the Sunday Morning block.

These next two blocks were my first choices of blocks for the blog hop, but they were both taken.

But really, shouldn't a Kansas farm girl have made the Sunny Sunflower block?! I mean, it is our state flower!

Or, shouldn't a blog called Thistle Thicket Studio have featured the Tumbleweed block? Did you know that a tumbleweed is really a Russian Thistle? And we have lots of them - no matter what you call them - here in western Kansas! A whole thicket full, in fact! Ha! Hence, the name.

Remember, be sure to stop back by on Friday to check out my Water Turn block, the extra project I made using the block, and for that awesome giveaway (hint: Lori just came out with a new notion that Seams Sew Easy to use)!



  1. I am looking forward to seeing your block and project on Friday! :)

  2. Your blocks are beautiful! Looking forward to your post on Friday! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful creative day!

  3. Wow your blocks are so perfectly executed! I hope I'll remember to pop back here on Friday. I did not know that about Russian Thistle aka tumbleweeds and I certainly agree that you should have sewn those two.


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