Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Winner x 2!

I've been on Instagram for almost 3 years. Over that time I've liked, commented, tagged and reposted hundreds of giveaways - all with no success - until now. Last week, I won not one, but two giveaways! I'm beyond excited! Today, I received the first one - Quilt-Pro 6.

Quilt-Pro is design software for quilters from Quilt-Pro Systems. It designs blocks and quilts. You can add fabrics to those designs. Then you can print strip piecing charts, foundations and templates, and fabric yardage estimates. Hmmm, if it only did the sewing too, maybe I'd get caught up on some of my projects!

Seriously, I am so extremely appreciative for this gift and can't wait to learn how to use this software. Thank you Quilt-Pro Systems!!! Now to find some time to do some binge watching on Quilt-Pro's You Tube Channel and start creating some quilty goodness! Click on the link and check out their how-to videos too!

Who else uses Quilt-Pro? Help a girl out and share any tips or tricks you know! Thanks!




  1. Congratulations Sharla, I know how you feel with all that participating and never winning, so enjoy your spoils and keep us posted about how you are getting on with that fabulous design software.

  2. That's way beyond my level of expertise but I'm delighted you won Sharla . Fantastic


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