Friday, May 13, 2016

What's Up In My Studio

Wow, where has the week gone! Seems I've been quite busy but don't have much to show for it, but I thought I'd share anyway.

Spell It With Moda Blocks by Thistle Thicket Studio.
I've been spending most of my time working on my 'recipe' post for Moda Bake Shop that will be featured on May 26. I'm really excited to share my "Howdy Y'all" quilt and tutorial on my Cowboy Boot block. I am honored to have been selected as one of the co-hosts of Moda Bake Shop's Birthday QAL celebrating their 7th year.  Each co-host has or will be featured on MBS with a filler block tutorial and their quilt using Moda's "Spell It With Fabric" letter patterns. You can get some great ideas on how to use the letter blocks on Moda Bake Shop under the Events tab. I also shared an idea earlier this year for Monogram Pillows using the letter blocks. These blocks are really quick & easy to make so it's not too late to join in the fun!

Medallion Quilt Progress by Thistle Thicket Studio.
I took a break from working on my "Howdy Ya'll" quilt to work on my quilt guild's medallion quilt challenge this week before our meeting. I only got one corner completed as it took me awhile to figure out the math to determine my setting triangle measurements. But now that I have it figured out, I'm hoping the other three corners will go faster - unless I forget what I did by the time I get back around to working on it again! I guess it's a hazard of being a quilter with too many works in progress!

Barn Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.
I also spent some time working on a quilt block of a different sort. Next week, my quilting friends are getting together to paint barn quilts and we have to have our boards primed and ready to paint the designs on prior to getting together. Well, once I got started, I couldn't stop and have finished my first one (except for the frame). So now I've decided to make two more, all in the same red, gray & white color scheme, to hang on the front of one of our barns. Stay tuned for a future tutorial on how to make your own!

Tin Can Sunflower by Thistle Thicket Studio.
A few days ago, I went with the hubby down to one of our fields where his great aunt's original homestead is located. There isn't much there anymore but I managed to find a few rusty metal pieces - a tin can, an oil can lid & some old hinges - that I brought home with visions of a flower plant stake. It's primitive, I'll admit, and my husband can't see the beauty in it, but I love it! Doesn't it look cute out in the wheat field?

Toy Sewing Machines by Thistle Thicket Studio.
Last weekend my mom & I went to an antique auction & look what followed me home! Not one, but two, vintage little toy sewing machines! Aren't they cute too?

Irises by Thistle Thicket Studio.
The rest of my week has been spent on the mower or pulling weeds. Not my favorite things to do (although our zero-turn riding lawn mower is pretty fun to drive!). But, I am enjoying these irises, the first flowers of spring in my yard. Oh, and I planted flowers in all of my patio pots - 16 in all. My patios look so pretty now!

I better get back to that "Howdy Y'all" quilt. May 26th will be here before I know it! Have a great quilty week y'all!



  1. You have been so busy! The corner you have made for the medallion quilt looks great and barn quilts sound like fun. :)

  2. Howdy Sharla . Your corner has worked out well, I can't begin to imagine the math in that . And I love your recycled sunflower . Look forward to seeing the barn quilts

  3. Hi Sharla, I glad the vintage toy sewing machines found a nice home, they are so cool.

  4. I think as a Texan I need to look into a "Howdy, y'all!" quilt. Can't wait to see more!


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