Wednesday, May 25, 2016

grow, Grow, GROW!

Grow: to become better or improved in some way. My mantra for this summer.

"Grow" Garden Sign by Thistle Thicket Studio.
I am participating in the New Quilt Bloggers group again this year. I learned so much last year and wanted to continue to grow and improve my blog, my interactions with other bloggers, and my online friendships. One of the first things we do in this group is to critique each others blogs and provide ideas of ways to improve our blogs. Today was my turn for the blog critique. After last year's critique, I completely revamped my blog based on all the helpful tips and comments. After today's critiques, I have a few things I want to tweek and will be making some subtle changes over the next few weeks. I almost hate to throw this out there, but if you have ideas to improve my blog, please comment and share. Just remember to be kind:)

I also want to grow my knowledge about fabric designing and pattern writing. It's been a goal for quite some time now but I seem to get sidetracked by all the quilt alongs, blog tours, swaps, and social media in general. I have two blog tour commitments in June and July, but I'm going to resist committing to any more so that I can dedicate some time to this goal. I'm writing this down here so you all will keep me focused and on target!

And after working in my yard all afternoon watering, weeding and mowing, I am hoping all my work will help it grow into a beautiful oasis. Ha! I'm really just hoping that it stays alive and survives the summer. I discovered today one large pot that I planted a couple of weeks ago has already become a victim of the rabbits that think my flower pots are their salad bar!

This post could grow exponentially with all the things I really need to become better at (time management) or improve upon (weight), but we'll leave it at this short list;)


P.S. I did take a creative break this afternoon between mowing and pulling weeds to make the "Grow" garden sign above. A reminder for me to continue to grow - personally and creatively.


  1. Grow is an excellent mantra and I do love your sign . It's a difficult balance isn't it ? Lots of swaps and social media are great fun but take away from sewing time . I would have loved to taken part in the blog hop again this year but was over the two years blogging . Enjoy the madness !

  2. I love your little Grow sign! What a great mantra for the year too. A great mantra for Life!

  3. I had a great time exploring your blog, you have made some lovely quilts and are so multi talented. The only thing I really missed was an About Me page. I's the first thing I look at when I read a new blog, sometimes I end up following someone, not just because they give away lots of free patterns and stuff, or because they make the most beautiful and original quilts, but because I like them as a person. Your personality comes out great in your writing, your blog is a pleasure to read.


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