Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Circle of Friends Quilt

I'm back to share some more projects I've completed in the last few months! Shocking, I know!

Last year, my quilt guild had a friendship block swap. Each member selected a color and made a "Circle of Friends" block in their color for each member of the guild. We then swapped blocks with everyone. With our blocks, we were challenged to design our own quilt. I took my inspiration from the circle of squares in the block and replicated it for the layout of the blocks in my quilt. 

Circle of Friends Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.

I used my own quilt block as the label on the back of my quilt. 

Circle of Friends Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.

I then emphasized the circle theme by quilting a circle design on the quilt.

Circle of Friends Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.

This was a fun project and an easy one to complete - not like the last two quilt guild challenges that I still haven't finished because I made them too complicated and time consuming. One of these days, I'll circle around to those and finish them!

Happy Quilting!


P.S. I planted zinnia seeds in my flower garden for the first time this year. This is my first bloom. I can't wait for more blooms to open!

Zinnia from the Garden of Thistle Thicket Studio.

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