Thursday, July 2, 2015

Featherweights, Pincushions & Necklaces - Oh My!

I am over-the-moon excited!!! Look what my mom found for me!!! (Is that a sufficient number of exclamation marks to express my level of excitement?) While I spent the last week on a combine in wheat harvest, my mom was spending the week with her siblings doing what they enjoy - antiquing and playing cards. And she found me this awesome white 1964 Singer Featherweight 221K sewing machine in this cute little green case! I've been wanting one to go with my black Featherweights (you can see them here) that I bought earlier this year at a farm auction (although I'll be selling one of them to help pay for my new white one). I haven't had time to clean it up or try it out yet, so I've just been admiring it on my dining room table today.

I belong to two Facebook groups that have lots of information about Featherweights and vintage sewing machines: Vintage Sewing Machines and Singer Featherweight 221 & 222 Sewing Machines. I'll be using the information files in these groups to help guide me in servicing and cleaning my machine. Wish me luck!

The many hours spent on a combine this last week had me a little stir crazy (or just crazy) and I began obsessing on Lori Holt's cute pincushions she makes from vintage ceramic animal planters. (You can see Lori's cute lamb pincushion here - 9th photo down & her cute pig pincushion here - the very last photo.) Hmmmm, I thought, tucked away on the bottom shelf of my china hutch is this rooster planter that was from my hubby's grandmother's chicken collection. I was thinking that rooster looked mighty lonely in that hutch, so the first thing I had to do after finishing harvest was to jack him up! It was really quite easy. I stuffed the planter with Fiberfil, made a little patchwork square and then tucked and hot glued the patchwork in the opening. I think he turned out cute and now graces my cutting table. I think I may have to collect a whole farm full of animal planters and make them into pincushions!

With harvest in full swing, I forgot to share a vintage button and typewriter key necklace that I made for my mom before she left on her Sibling Week. I'll be on the look out for more vintage black and white buttons that are just the right size to make more of these!

Now that harvest is over I'm looking forward to getting reacquainted with my sewing machine and work on some of my WIPs. Can't wait to show you my progress.....



  1. How fun! I hope it cleans up and runs well! :)

  2. What a great find Sharla and that necklace is perfect for me, love it!

  3. You don't sound crazy! The pincushion is great - I'm sure the rooster is glad he has free-range of your sewing table and is no longer couped up in the hutch! (Now who's crazy?) Have a great holiday weekend.


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