Saturday, June 27, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage & Wheat Harvest

Wheat harvest is in full swing here in western Kansas, so I didn't think I'd get the chance to work on my Farm Girl Vintage blocks this week. But it rained Thursday night and it was too wet to cut on Friday so.......guess what I got to do?!

It's week 9 of the Farm Girl Vintage Sew Along and we are now one-third of the way through the blocks. This is going by so fast, we'll have all 45 blocks completed in no time! You can visit Lori at Bee In My Bonnet to see her blocks and all the different ways she uses them - she's so creative.

Here are my blocks for this week.....
By Thistle Thicket Studio
This is the Feed and Seed block. I thought how Lori arrived at the on-point plus in the center of this block was quite clever and very easy. I love the instructions for the blocks in her book "Farm Girl Vintage", she makes them all so easy!

By Thistle Thicket Studio
And this is my Fresh Pears block. I still have to embroider the seeds in the right pear, but wanted to share with you now. I kind of wish I would have made my pears green instead of yellow, but they should add a bit of pop to my quilt. This is all of the sewing I had time for this week because of.......

Wheat Harvest! I thought I'd show you a little bit of this vintage farm girl's life this week.
By Thistle Thicket Studio
Day 1 - I'm the combine driver in this two-person operation. The hubby does everything else! It gets a little monotonous driving the combine for hours and hours, but it gives me lots of time to plot my next quilt projects in my head.

By Thistle Thicket Studio
Day 2 - Dumping the combine into the grain cart 'on the go' is a lot easier now with the invention of auto-steer. A lot of things have changed in the last 36 years since I married my farmer.

By Thistle Thicket Studio
Day 3 - The equipment has sure gotten larger since I first became a farm girl!

By Thistle Thicket Studio
Day 4 - With almost a half inch of rain and cloudy skies, there was no cutting done. A day of rest - and sewing - was kind of welcomed.

And now it's Day 5 - and the farmer hubby is ready to head to the field. No more quilting and blogging for me for the next few days. The weather forecast is for hot and dry days, perfect for wheat harvest!


P.S. Thanks to everyone who visited my blog this last week during the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop. I've tried to reply by email to everyone who has left a comment (unless you are a no-reply blogger), and I apologize if I missed anyone. Just know that I really appreciate all the comments. It's been a really fun experience!


  1. Sounds like it was in the plan for you to have a nice day to keep up with the farm girl block schedule! I hope the rest of the harvest continues to go well for you. :)

  2. I'm amazed by two things.
    1 you have the energy to sew
    2 you both do that all on your own
    I've enjoyed meeting you sharla and as I'm know following you, I will be back . Sounds more of a threat then than compliment that is meant

  3. Its so much fun watching these patterns evolve and I adore the fabrics you use. Never having seen actual feed sack fabrics I'm assuming making this with replicas - or originals if your lucky enough - makes it just so much more beautiful. Great to see your wheat fields, what a lot of work! Over here in UK farmers get so little financially these days I believe.
    Do you use GM seeds now a days, is there much controvosy about the Gm now?

  4. Oh my, these are super lovely! I love the farm pictures (I live in KS as well... on the Eastern side, haha). You are right, Thursday nights storm made everything SO wet! I really am loving those Farm Girl Vintage blocks, (those pears, though!). Lori does so many things consistently I could never keep up! haha Thanks for linking up and stopping over at WIDTW! Have a great 4th of July!

  5. Glad u got to take a break from harvest to sew and share your photos. You might like to find Colleen's blog She's a quilting farmer's wife too.


I would love to hear from you! Please leave some comment love here, and I will share some love back! I make every effort to respond to every comment by email, unless you are a no-reply blogger, then I will leave a comment here.