Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Q3 2019 Finish-A-Long Goals

We finished up harvest here on the farm just in time for me to post my third quarter goals for the Finish-A-Long. Are you going to join me this quarter? There's just one more day to post and link up your goals - so don't dally! Wondering exactly what the Finish-A-Long is? Check out the details here.
2019 Finish-A-Long Q3 Goals by Thistle Thicket Studio.
Some of my goals have been on my list for literally years and then there are several new ones too. I always hope to get them all done (which never happens) but I'm always thrilled to get something marked of my list. So here goes with my goal list for this quarter.....

Stiletto Fabric by Basic Grey for Moda on Thistle Thicket Studio.
1. Stiletto Quilt: This one is a new secret sewing project for Moda Bake Shop this fall. I need to get it done this quarter!

Frivols Kindred Block by Thistle Thicket Studio.
2. Frivols Kindred Quilt: This one has been on my list for at least 3 years! It really wouldn't take that long to finish but why oh why do I procrastinate on it?!

'Just The Atoms' Circle Blocks by Thistle Thicket Studio.
3. Just The Atoms Quilt: Another one that's been on my list for a couple of years. Thank goodness I posted a tutorial on how to make these circle blocks because it's been so long I don't even remember how!

Modern Marks Quilt Project by Thistle Thicket Studio.
4. Modern Marks Quilt: This one is "only" a year and a half old! LOL! This really would make a great leaders and enders project so maybe I'll make myself do that and get it done. Maybe.

Mirrored Stars QOV Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.
5. Quilts of Valor Sunflower Quilt: Yup, I didn't get it done last quarter. Okay, I confess, I didn't even touch it last quarter. Hoping to move it along this quarter though. Fingers crossed.

A Ribbon Runs Through It #1 by Thistle Thicket Studio.
6. A Ribbon Runs Through It #1: Our quilt guild is doing a challenge with a 18" x 36" wall hanging where that turquoise fabric has to enter on the left side at 3" wide and exit on the right side at 3" wide. I'm making a one block wonder using a butterfly panel. Since I hope to do a faced binding demo at quilt guild in August, I'm hoping this one will get finished this quarter.

Fabrics For A Collage Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.
7. A Ribbon Runs Through It #2: I'm hoping to make a total of 3 wall hangings for our quilt challenge that I can hang together. I just bought these FQs yesterday to start collecting fabrics for a collage quilt. It's all still in the development stage.

Quilt Guild's QOV Fence Rail Quilt on Thistle Thicket Studio.
8. QOV Fence Rail #1: These fence rail blocks were made by members of my quilt guild. I'm currently squaring them all up and will make them into a quilt to donate to our local QOV group. (note: if the quilt guild decides to sew these together at their sewcial hour next month, I won't count this as a finish - but then again, since I'm not entering my finishes for prizes because I'm one of the FAL hosts, I guess it really doesn't matter, does it?! AND, the whole goal is to get it off my to-do list.)

QOV Fence Rail Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.
9. QOV Fence Rail #2: These fence rail blocks I made from left over fabrics from another QOV quilt I made, so I'm hoping while I'm on a roll with the other quilt, I'll get this one done too.

So, there's my list. I'm linking it up to the FAL Q3 post (see my last post for link up details here.) Hope you'll join me and let's work to get some of our UFOs completed!



  1. A lovely list, Sharla, I hope you are making good progress! I'd love to see your circle blocks joined up...
    Thank you for being a part of the FAL!!

  2. That is a lot of beautiful projects. I hope it's going well - especially the part for the guild show this month!


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