Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 Finish-A-Long: Q1 Goals

Thistle Thicket Studio, Finish-A-Long, quilting goalsIt's time again to assess where I am with my WIPs and to set goals for the next quarter of the Finish-A-Long. I did manage to complete one project during the busy holiday season last quarter, but still have toooo many to count that needs finished. For this first quarter of the new year I've narrowed down the looong list to nine for my goals. (Are you getting the idea that I have alooot of WIPs and UFOs?!)

Thistle Thicket Studio, medallion quilt, quilt guild challenge
1. Medallion Quilt Guild Challenge: This is last year's guild challenge. Unfortunately it hasn't been touched since mom's car accident, but I'm hoping and really need to get back to this soon. Our guild is going to have a quilt display at our local county fair the end of July with all the challenge quilts so I have a deadline. I'm always better with a deadline!

Thistle Thicket Studio, Christmas table runner
2. Christmas Table Runner: This table runner features the "Spinners" block I designed for Paintbrush Studio's New Block Blog Hop last year. This one needs a backing pieced with the remaining fabric scraps and quilted. Easy right? Yay, right!

Thistle Thicket Studio, Kansas Troubles Fabric,
3. Quilt Guild BOM 2015: No that date isn't wrong. This one is a couple of years old now and I really need to get it done. I've figured out how I want to lay the blocks out now, which is progress. Unfortunately it will require making a bunch of star setting blocks. Ugh!

Thistle Thicket Studio, Frivols, Bonnie & Camille, Hello Darling
4. Hello Darling Frivols Quilt: I'm planning on taking this project to work on when we head south for a few weeks to warm up this winter. How much progress I make with it depends on how rainy it is in Texas while we're there.

Thistle Thicket Studio, leaders and enders, scrap quilt, scrap busting, log cabin blocks
5. Leaders and Enders Project: I need to pull this one out and start using the leaders and enders method again to make the postage stamp blocks needed to complete this quilt. This is suppose to be my scrap busting project but it hasn't been busting any scraps lately.

Thistle Thicket Studio, Fall Frolic fabric
6. Fall Frolic Quilt: I just love this fabric and hope to dig into this kit soon. But realistically, it won't be until later this year. I'll leave it on the list - just in case (wink, wink).

Thistle Thicket Studio, Farm Girl Vintage
7. Farm Girl Vintage Quilt: Sadly, this one is still in the 'pile of blocks' stage. I have great plans for a really cool backing for this one, so I really need to get back to this one too. Hoping to at least get started on the back this quarter, although I doubt I get it finished either - but covering the all my bases.

Thistle Thicket Studio, Lego Batman Quilt, Lego Batman, Batman
8. Lego Batman Quilt: I can say I've made great progress on this quilt this week. The top is done and I loaded it on the long arm yesterday. Hoping to get this one quilted and bound this week in time for quilt guild show & tell. It will be heading south with us and will be part of grandson #1's birthday present in February.

Thistle Thicket Studio, halloween blocks, paper piecing
9. Halloween Mini Quilt: Speaking of quilt guild, we are having a sew day Saturday and I've been rummaging around trying to decide what I want to take. I hate dragging a bunch of sewing stuff for a few hours of sewing so I like to take small projects that don't require a lot of equipment. I discovered these paper piecing blocks that are free on Made by Marney's blog while sitting for hours each day with mom in the hospital. They will make a fun mini quilt  - so cute!

There you have it. My goals for the next three months. I've already set a precedence of only getting one or two things done each quarter, so I don't expect anything grand this quarter. But, at least I'm working towards some finishes and, as I said earlier, I work better with deadlines. I'll be linking up with the 2017 Finish-A-Long 1st quarter goals link-up. There's still time to join me in the fun and get some of your WIPs and UFOs completed, so go check it out!




  1. So many fantastic projects but I have to admit, that Batman quilt is the BEST! Good luck on your projects this quarter. Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts.

  2. WOW that is an ambitious list. I only chose 4. Hmmm maybe I will challenge myself to more next quarter. Good luck with all your finishes.

  3. Anxious to see how you finish your Farm Girl Vintage and that Batman quilt is fantastic!


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