Thursday, October 13, 2016

2016 Finish-A-Long: Q4 Goals

Since the countdown to the holidays has already started, I've decided to post a smaller list of goals for the 4th quarter of the Finish-A-Long. Maybe a smaller list won't be so overwhelming and I'll actually get something accomplished!
Thistle Thicket Studio, Finish-A-Long, quilting goals

The first project I'm anxious to finish is my Spell It With Moda quilt. During harvest in June and July, I finished the top and made a pieced back. I even managed to get it loaded on the longarm before our girls Row x Row road trip. But, then the accident happened and that's where it sits. Once mom is released to go home, I'm hoping to be able to get it quilted since our longarm is in her basement.
Thistle Thicket Studio, Spell It With Moda, abc quilt, Sunkissed fabric, alphabet quilt
Thistle Thicket Studio, scrappy pieced quilt backing, Sunkissed fabric,

The second project I'd like to get finished is this holiday table runner I made as a test for a quilt block I designed for a blog hop. As you can see by the wrinkles, it's been folded and stashed since I whipped it up several months ago.
Thistle Thicket Studio, spinners block, christmas fabric, quilts, quilting

I'm still needing to make my grandson the Lego Batman quilt he asked for earlier this year. Maybe for Christmas? Let's hope I can get it done this quarter!
Thistle Thicket Studio, Batman fabric, Lego Batman quilt

And lastly, there's the test project I cut from this fabric for the most recent quilt block I designed for the New Block Blog Hop. I have everything cut to make a mini quilt so I really don't think it would take that long to sew up, but we'll see if I get that far.
Thistle Thicket Studio, Cloud9 Fabrics,

I'll be linking this post up to the 2016 Finish-A-Long 4th Quarter Goals link-up.


P.S. For those following my mom's progress, we're almost home! She moved from the Kansas City rehab facility to our local hospital a few days ago to continue her physical therapy. Hoping in a few more weeks she'll be up walking and ready to enjoy the holidays. Thank you for all your prayers!


  1. Hi Sharla, I already like your Christmas table runner. It looks a treat. Good luck with your projects.

  2. I hope your mom gets to go home soon and continues to recover well. Your projects will be fun to see come to completion when you have the time to dedicate to them. Take care!

  3. Glad to hear your Mom is making steady progress. Hope you get more time to quilt this quarter. Your projects look great!

  4. So glad your Mom is recovering well Sharla, I hope she will be home soon. Good Luck with your projects, the holiday runner looks lovely/


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