Thursday, January 7, 2016

2016 Finish-A-Long: My 1stQ UFO List

Today is the day for everyone participating in the 2016 Finish-A-Long to post their list of UFOs that they hope to will finish in the first quarter of this year. I'm hoping that breaking down the year into quarters and selecting a few UFOs each quarter will make this goal of UFO busting attainable for me.

I decided to break down my choices into three categories: quilt tops that need quilted & bound; works in progress; and projects purchased but not started.

I have a stack of quilt tops that need quilted. My goal is to finish one each month. I selected two for the first quarter, leaving one month open to quilt my works in progress that I hope will complete (trying to stay positive!). The first one I am anxious to quilt is my Bonnie and Camille Log Cabin Swap, which is actually my newest quilt top to be added to the UFO pile.
Bonnie & Camille Log Cabin Swap Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.

The other quilt top is a simple 4-patch one that I made a couple of years ago. I attempted to quilt it on my DMS, but was very unhappy with the results. So, for the last three evenings, I've been ripping out the quilting so that I could start over and quilt it on the long arm.
4-Patch Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.

I've selected three projects from the 'works in progress' category. I really don't have very high hopes to get all three done, but just in case I get in a really productive mood..... The first one is actually my current project - Lori Holt's Have Yourself A Quilty Little Christmas. I purchased the fabric in 2014 and never had the chance to start it. So, I put it away thinking I'd get it back out in time to make for Christmas 2015. Well, that didn't happen, so after Christmas I decided to get started so that it would be done before Christmas rolled around again.
Have Yourself A Quilty Little Christmas by Thistle Thicket Studio.

I also want to finish my other Lori Holt project - my Farm Girl Vintage quilt. I have all the blocks completed for the front (minus some embroidery details). I have plans in my head for a unique pieced back using some of Lori's extra patterns she released during the sew-along. I'm really excited to see it come together!
Farm Girl Vintage Blocks by Thistle Thicket Studio.

The third project in this category is going to be my leaders and enders project that I call Scrappy Squares. I have these blocks complete and they will be surrounded by a field of postage stamp blocks.
Scrappy Squares Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.

I added the 'projects purchased but not started' category because I know I'll get bored working on these old projects and will want to start something new. This is a project I bought on our Row-by-Row road trip last summer. I just loved the colors in this strip bundle called "Fall Frolic" by Back Porch Prints. And it will go so well with my living room décor!
Fall Frolic Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.

I have my work cut out for me! I'll link this post up to the 2016 Finish-A-Long linky party today for added incentive to reach my goal - a chance to win some quilty prizes! Wish me luck!



  1. What terrific projects - totally worth focusing on! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf off the 2016 global FAL hosts. Let's get sewing! ;-)

  2. Looks like a great bunch of projects!! You can do it!!!

  3. Your quilt tops are beautiful. Can't wait to see how you decide quilt them.


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