Saturday, October 24, 2015

Bonnie & Camille Log Cabin Swap Update

What do they say about the best laid plans? "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." That sums up my plans lately, for sure! What do I do when my plans go awry? I sew! Although I had other plans, I was stuck on the farm the last few days because we received a wonderful rain (as farmers, you never complain about rain!) and the roads were muddy. The good news is I had time to finish my Bonnie & Camille Log Cabin Swap quilt top!
Bonnie & Camille Log Cabin Swap on Instagram by Thistle Thicket Studio.

I wanted to change up the look of the layout a little bit so I decided to add spinning pinwheels or whirligigs (I've heard them called both) to the corners of my log cabin blocks. I like the finished effect.
Bonnie & Camille Log Cabin Swap on Instagram by Thistle Thicket Studio. A closeup of the spinning pinwheel  in the corners of the log cabin block.

As I worked on this quilt, I wondered about where all my swap blocks originated. There were 175 participants in the swap, from 10 countries and 42 US states. I wondered about the quilters, where they live, what type of work they do, and why they quilt. I received one block that was labeled. It came from Woolmarket, Mississippi. Wouldn't it have been fun if we all would have labeled our blocks. I will definitely remember to do that for the next swap. If you participated in this swap, leave a comment and your IG name! I would love to connect with you on IG!
Bonnie & Camille Log Cabin Swap on Instagram. Quilt by Thistle Thicket Studio.

The top finished at 57" x 76" and will make a nice throw quilt. It's now folded and in the stack of quilts to be quilted. I don't have backing or binding fabric, so I guess that gives me an excuse to hit a few quilt shops in search of the perfect B&C fabric!



  1. Adding in the spinning pinwheels is a great personalized touch. I hope you learn where some of your blocks originated from.

  2. That turned out to be such a "Cheery" looking quilt. Just makes you "Smile"��


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