Although I'm not that familiar with vinyl and things you can make with it, I know that the pattern design needed to be small so that after the vinyl was cut the pattern could still be identifiable. I wanted to fill the space with pattern so decided to make a floral design. I am inspired by vintage fabrics and I think this pattern design evokes a 60's retro feel.
The prize for winning is a yard of custom printed vinyl with my design, a yard of custom printed heat set vinyl with my design, and a $50 gift certificate for more product. But really the prize for me is the satisfaction that someone liked my design! A little confidence booster that I may be headed in the right direction as far as my design aesthetic is concerned. It's also rewarding to know that two months ago I didn't even know how to design a pattern and now I've won a contest with my own pattern design. Thank you Texas Vinyl Dispensary for the opportunity and the prizes!
Did you notice my new logo I created for my surface pattern designing? I wanted a cleaner and simpler image and wanted to incorporate my name with the Thistle Thicket Studio name. The background color of the logo can be changed to coordinate with whatever pattern design it accompanies.
I know I haven't shared a lot of my surface pattern designs yet. I'm still working on designs and collections and I'm torn whether or not to share them before making a portfolio and submitting to any companies for licensing consideration. Right now I'm leaning on keeping things secret. But I have completed the Surface Pattern Design Immersion course and I can't say enough good things about it. Bonnie Christine is a fantastic instructor and I'm so happy that I decided to jump in and give this whole design thing a go.